
How UAE Freight Forwarders Can Recover up to 20% Lost Revenue with NewageNXT

June 14, 2024 Freight Forwarding SoftwareUAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) boasts a thriving logistics industry, where efficiency and precision reign supreme. However, a hidden enemy lurks within many freight forwarding businesses – revenue leakage. Industry experts estimate that freight forwarders unwittingly surrender up to 20% of their revenue due to unchecked carrier invoices and outdated processes.

In a fiercely competitive landscape, this translates to significant financial losses. But fret not, for there’s a way to reclaim what’s rightfully yours. This comprehensive blog post delves deep into the revenue leakage problem and explores how innovative solutions like NewageNXT can empower UAE freight forwarders to achieve financial resilience.

Understanding the Revenue Drain: A Multifaceted Challenge

Several factors contribute to revenue leakage in freight forwarding, hindering financial growth for UAE businesses:

  • Inaccurate Carrier Invoices: Mistakes like duplicated charges, mismatched contract rates, and incorrect calculations eat into profits. Surcharges and ancillary fees are particularly troublesome areas. Errors like misapplication or omission of charges related to canals (Panama, Suez), peak seasons, or General Rate Increases (GRI) are prevalent. A staggering 50-60% of carriers, even major ones, are guilty of these errors, often going unnoticed by forwarders.
  • Cargo Misclassification: Incorrect classification or measurement of cargo leads to erroneous charges. Improper labeling and neglecting NMFC numbers, descriptions, and freight classes expose forwarders to overcharges. Time constraints at ports further exacerbate the issue, as crews prioritize speed over thorough verification.
  • Missed Fees due to Amendments: Contracts undergo frequent amendments, with overlooked fees like booking cancellations or surcharges contributing to billing inaccuracies.
  • Unchecked Invoices and Manual Processes: A shocking 30-40% of manual invoices require rework, even for larger players. Furthermore, 60-70% of carrier invoices go unverified, especially when profit margins are high and attention is diverted towards operational tasks like securing Bill of Lading releases and facilitating shipment movements.

The Impact of Revenue Leakage: A Vicious Cycle

The consequences of unchecked revenue leakage are far-reaching. Here’s a closer look at the impact:

  • Reduced Profitability: Lost revenue directly translates to lower profits, hindering a company’s ability to invest in growth and innovation.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Manual processes associated with invoice verification and error correction consume valuable time and resources that could be better spent on core business activities.
  • Cash Flow Strain: Unforeseen financial losses due to revenue leakage can strain cash flow, impacting a company’s ability to meet its obligations.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Inaccurate quotes and billing errors can lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage trust.

Recovering Lost Revenue: Strategies for Success in the UAE Market

Here’s how UAE freight forwarders can combat revenue leakage and unlock their full financial potential:

  • Embrace Freight Booking Software: Invest in robust freight booking software like NewageNXT, specifically designed to address the needs of the UAE market. This empowers you to:
    • Centralize Rate Management: Aggregate SPOT and contract rates, manage negotiated rates with carriers, and effortlessly compare historical rates for informed decision-making.
    • Automate Workflows: Streamline the entire rate management process, from quoting to booking, eliminating the need for manual filing and data entry. This reduces human error and saves valuable time.
    • Ensure Accuracy: Freight booking software ensures consistent rate application throughout the supply chain, fostering trust with clients. Imagine the efficiency gains from a system that eliminates discrepancies and ensures consistent pricing.
  • Conduct Regular Freight Rate Audits: Regular audits are a powerful tool for identifying billing errors. They facilitate cost reduction, recover overpayments, improve data accuracy, optimize contracts, and enhance operational efficiency. By proactively uncovering inaccuracies, you can reclaim lost revenue and prevent future losses.
  • Leverage Innovative Solutions: Consider freight booking software, NewageNXT’s cutting-edge features like:
  • Surcharge Suite: Empowers you to navigate the complexities of surcharges with ease. Digital platforms and contract sharing with carriers mitigate revenue loss associated with surcharges.
  • Automated Invoice Processing: Eliminate manual data entry and streamline invoice processing, freeing up valuable resources for tasks that drive growth. NewageNXT is the best software for freight forwarders that can automate invoice processing by capturing data electronically, reducing the risk of errors and expediting the payment process.
  • Real-time Visibility: Gain instant insights into your finances with real-time data and comprehensive reports. Traditional manual methods often lead to data silos and outdated information. NewageNXT, the well-known freight booking software in UAE, provides a centralized platform with real-time data, empowering you to make informed decisions based on accurate financial health.
  • Enhanced Carrier Management: Negotiate, manage, and track carrier contracts with greater efficiency. This freight booking software centralizes contract management, allowing you to store, access, and compare contracts electronically. This eliminates the need for physical paperwork and simplifies communication with carriers.

Improved Customer Service: Faster turnaround times and accurate quotes lead to happier customers. By streamlining processes and eliminating errors, NewageNXT empowers you to provide faster quotes and ensure accurate billing. This translates to a more positive customer experience and fosters stronger relationships.

Investing in the Future: Why NewageNXT is Your UAE Advantage

Investing in NewageNXT is an investment in your company’s future. Here’s how it empowers you to thrive in the competitive UAE logistics landscape:

  • Built for the UAE Market: NewageNXT understands the specific needs of UAE freight forwarders. It caters to local regulations, accounting practices, and integrates seamlessly with third-party applications.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: NewageNXT is designed to scale your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large established player, the freight booking software can adapt to your specific requirements and grow alongside your operations.
  • Unmatched Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is here to help you every step of the way. We provide comprehensive training, ongoing support, and ensure you get the most out of NewageNXT.

Taking Action: The Road to Financial Resilience

Don’t let revenue leakage hinder your growth. Here’s how to get started:

  • Go through our official website: Check out our website to get valuable insights and practical strategies to combat revenue leakage and gain several other advantages.
  • Request a free demo of NewageNXT: Experience firsthand how NewageNXT can revolutionize your freight forwarding business. See how it automates workflows, streamlines processes, and empowers you to reclaim lost revenue.
  • Contact us today: Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and discuss how NewageNXT can be customized to meet your specific needs.


The UAE logistics industry is a dynamic and demanding environment. By embracing innovative freight software solutions like NewageNXT, UAE freight forwarders can plug the revenue leaks, achieve financial resilience, and unlock their full growth potential.

Take control of your finances today. Let NewageNXT be your partner in achieving sustainable success in the competitive world of UAE logistics.

Newage’s mission is to assist global freight forwarders by streamlining their operations and helping them scale up their business with a state-of-the-art freight management system.